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Jun 15, 2017

Birds in the City: Know the birds in your backyard!

Help researchers collect data via "citizen science" in our cities!

Help researchers collect data via “citizen science” in our cities!

Haribon invites you to meet and watch birds in your city or town on July 15 and 16, 2017. Birds in the City: Know the Birds in Your Backyard aims to raise awareness on urban birds and our shared need for green areas (like parks and other areas reserved for nature). Learn to identify and count these bird species this July!

Take part in this nationwide count in five easy steps:

  1. Go out and find them!
    Starting today, be attentive of the birds around you. Don’t know their names? Find them in our growing Birds in the City list here. Need help? Email your descriptions and location of birds seen to haringibon@haribon.org.ph.
  2. Choose a place.
    This can be your backyard, local park, school or outside your office. Make sure it is a spot that you can easily return to for the next urban bird count.
  3. Choose a date and time.
    -July 15 in the morning (6-9AM)
    -July 15 in the afternoon (4-6PM)
    -July 16 in the morning (6-9AM)
    -July 16 in the afternoon (4-6PM)
    Want to watch more? Visit a different location on another time slot!
  4. Count for 30 minutes.
    Count only the perched, and not flying birds. Use our bird list to help you identify bird species.Remember: Choose the highest number of perched birds per species to avoid double-counting. For example, if 5 maya birds are perched and then fly away, and another 3 maya birds perch again, the final count is five. For more information, see our FAQ below.
  5. Upload!
    Input your data here via this quick & easy Google form.

Materials needed:

  1. Pencil & pad
  2. Birds in the City bird guide. Download to your phone or print it (use recycled paper).

Why count urban birds?

By reporting your observations, you are contributing to the first-ever massive count of urban birds in the Philippines. Regular bird count helps us identify the most abundant urban bird species, best areas for birding and changes in species count throughout the years.

Birds in the City watches will take place at least 3 times a year, every year to help researchers keep track of changes in bird populations:

  • Dry/fruiting season – June
  • Rainy Season – Aug
  • Migratory Season – Nov

How we manage the landscape around us influences the wildlife it supports. Urban birding helps us understand that green spaces matter to provide urban birds with safe habitats. Ultimately, cities that are fit for birds are surely going to be fit for us as well. We count on them to show us if our metropolis are healthy enough for all life.

Your counting, counts. Keep common birds common.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I count birds?

A: By bringing attention to our city birds, we also allow urban residents to take a break and appreciate what is left of green spaces and wildlife in our neighborhoods and work places. By knowing how many birds we have in our cities over time, we can also see how populations are affected in different areas in a city, and help promote the growth of more greener areas for ourselves and other wildlife.

Q: I don’t know anything about birds, how do I identify them?

A: Download our birdlist in PDF (only 2mb) to help you here! Download to your phone, or print out using recycled paper. Bring it with you on your chosen date and time.

Q: When should I count the birds?

A: Choose from 4 slots, with one location each: July 15 (6-9AM), July 15 (4-6PM), July 16 (6-9AM) or July 16 (4-6PM).

Q: Why only count the highest number of perched birds? Why can’t we count birds that are flying?

A: There are chances that birds might fly from one perch to another and will get double-counted. By only listing the maximum number of birds seen perched at one time, we provide the most accurate recording of birds at a certain location at the specific time.

Q: How do I give my counts to Haribon?

A: Easy! When you’re done counting, simply input your data in our Google form here.

Q: I found a bird not on your list, or a bird on your list is known by another local name, how do I notify you?

A: Easy! PM us in social media at @goharibon or email haringibon@haribon.org.ph, CC: iba@haribon.org.ph.

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more communities

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