General Donation or a Forests for Life Movement donation to HARIBON® via the website must be made to receive the unique codes needed to avail the token of your choice from the generator.
The type and number of tokens you are entitled to receive depends on your donation amount, donation type, and the token you have selected on the donation form.
- For e-certificates, only one (1) e-certificate will only be issued per transaction or donation form submitted. If you wish to receive multiple e-certificates, make another donation.
- For General Donation e-cards, only one (1) e-card per transaction can be claimed. If you wish to receive multiple e-cards, make another General Donation.
- For Forests for Life Movement e-cards, one (1) e-card per seedling can be claimed. If you have donated multiple seedlings, you will receive the same amount of unique codes.
- If you have selected “None” when asked to choose your token in the donation form, you forfeit your free tokens and will not receive any codes. Make sure to review your details before submitting the donation form.
Only successful General Donations and Forests for Life Movement donations will receive a confirmation email with the unique codes required to download the tokens from
HARIBON®’s website. The type of token selected in the donation form cannot be exchanged for another type of token. Double check your details before completing your donation.
All codes are valid for one-time use only. Edits cannot be made to your token once the codes are redeemed or used.
Membership donations do not come with an e-card. However, Membership e-certificates may be requested from the Membership Officer or be downloaded through the
HARIBON®Members portal. Simply log in to your account and download. No unique codes required.
Having trouble?Email
donate@haribon.org.ph for inquiries or concerns about e-cards and e-certificates. For membership concerns, email