From June 25-27, 2024, the HARIBON Foundation, with support from the Foundation for the Philippine Environment, played a pivotal role in co-organizing the 3rd National Protected Area Conference, led by the DENR-Biodiversity Management Bureau. The theme, “Building Resilience of People and Ecosystems Through Innovations and Enhanced Collaboration in Protected Area Management,” emphasized the importance of protected areas in climate change mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk reduction, making it incredibly timely and relevant.
Protected Areas
Protected areas preserve vital ecosystems and biodiversity, which are integral to the country’s climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts, providing ecological, economic, and socio-cultural benefits. The presence of diverse sectors representing civil society organizations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, women, youth, conservation groups, and relevant government agencies during the three-day event affirmed their significant role as stakeholders in the country’s protected areas. It demonstrated their commitment to actively engage in ensuring that the management and conservation of these areas are enhanced and strengthened to secure our common future.
Haribon is at the forefront of safeguarding the environment
HARIBONhas been at the forefront of protected area management in the country, involved in developing the principles for establishing a system of protected areas in the Philippines, which paved the way for the landmark National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act. HARIBON was also among the forces that organized the very first PA conference 23 years ago. This year, HARIBON is greatly honored to have once again supported the recently concluded 3NPAC and looks forward to continuing to collaborate for the protection of Philippine protected areas and future PA conferences.